Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our First Fan Letter

Several months ago I took K to see Soul Surfer; a few days after that we went again with big R and son. K talks about Bethany like she's a personal friend of the family and has said on numerous occasions she wishes Bethany was her sister. So when I found her fan page on Facebook last night we were very excited. She sat with me for about an hour looking at all of Bethany's pictures until we came across a drawing a little boy had sent her. Well, that's all it took; immediately K was rounding up her crayons and stealing paper from the printer. "I'm gonna draw Bethany a picture!" Keep in mind this was all happening about 10:30 last night and yes, school starts Monday and no, we have NOT established any kind of routine around here. On a side note, I've learned over the last 4 years the bedtime routine takes care of itself. That being said, we were up until about 11:30 creating 'the best picture I've ever colored' for Bethany Hamilton.

This is Bethany just before the shark attack. Notice the shark coming out of the water, but most important, notice the cross above.
God was watching over Bethany.

I don't remember ever sending a fan letter to anyone. As far back as I can remember I've always felt like a small fish in a huge pond. But here we are smack dab in the middle of 'the information age' and social media makes us feel like we can be friends with those who in the past have been unreachable. And my little one, with her 'I can do anything' spirit thinks "Why not!"

So, this morning I got up, went to the computer and found Bethany's fan club address and in a little while we'll make a trip to the post office to send our very first fan letter.

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